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List of countries in the SEPA zone: 36 member states
June 24, 2024
Online Payment

The SEPA zone (Single Euro Payments Area) brings together various countries with specific characteristics. Here is an explanation of the three distinct categories in which these countries can be classified:

Euro zone SEPA countries in the European Union

These countries use the euro (€) as their official currency and are members of the European Union (EU). Financial transactions between these countries are harmonized and simplified thanks to the adoption of the euro, facilitating cross-border payments.

List of countries: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal

• Currency: Euro (€)

• Members of the European Union

• SEPA transactions without currency conversion

Note: All countries in the eurozone belong to the SEPA zone.

SEPA countries outside the eurozone in the European Union

These countries are members of the European Union but do not use the euro as their official currency. They kept their national currency while participating in the SEPA zone, which allows for harmonized cross-border transactions in euros.

List of countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Sweden

• National currency (e.g. Danish krone, Swedish kronor, Polish złoty, etc.)

• Members of the European Union

• SEPA transactions sometimes requiring currency conversion

SEPA countries outside the European Union

These countries are not members of the European Union but participate in the SEPA zone. They joined this zone to benefit from the advantages of simplified and harmonized financial transactions in euros, thus facilitating exchanges with EU member countries.

List of countries: Andorra, Vatican City, Gibraltar, Island, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, United Kingdom, San Marino, Switzerland

• National currency or euro, depending on the country (e.g.: Norwegian krone, Swiss franc, pound sterling, etc.)

• Not members of the European Union

• SEPA transactions sometimes requiring currency conversion

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