Are you about to say yes for life and do you have a long list of organizational questions? Don't panic, it's normal. When you get married, you don't want to forget anything so that everything is perfect (at the same time, if there is an event not to be missed, it is this one)!
Among all these questions, are you wondering How many wedding witnesses is it necessary to predict. Do not move, we tell you everything you need to know about wedding witnesses: from their number to their role to the conditions they must meet. Let's go!

Civil marriage: number of witnesses
To get married at the town hall, you will have to choose a minimum of 2 witnesses and a maximum of 4 witnesses. They will be the witnesses of your marriage (not of each and every one of you).
What are the requirements for a civil marriage witness?
Your future witnesses at the town hall must be:
- Majors (over 18) or Emancipated (minor legally assimilated to an adult)
- Be in possession of an identity document (an identity card, a passport, a driver's license, a resident card, a residence card or any other document with a photograph issued by a public authority)
- Be physically present at the town hall to sign the register
Your witnesses may be friends, siblings, parents, cousins, or other members of your respective families. Note that'A witness may be of French or foreign nationality, a woman or a man, it doesn't matter.
The text of the law that regulates the conditions of witnesses is available in the Civil Code from article 34 to 54
Can you get married without witnesses?
According to the law, you are not allowed to marry without marriage witnesses. If a witness is absent or ill, civil registry personnel can act as witnesses (Mayors and Deputy Mayors).
A ministerial response provided in 2011 by the Keeper of the Seals confirms that it is mandatory to have at least 2 witnesses:
The purpose of the presence of at least two witnesses, or at most four, at the celebration of the marriage is to certify the identity of the witnesses and the conformity of the act with their statements. It is therefore a measure to protect future spouses... the civil registry states that if the parties have not been able to find witnesses or if those chosen refuse their assistance, it is accepted that the civil registrar can himself designate witnesses.
Can cookies be changed?
If your choice has changed along the way, before your civil ceremony, don't panic. You can change your mind until D-Day. On the other hand, if you want to change witnesses after your marriage, unfortunately, this is not possible. The marriage certificate cannot be reviewed.
Catholic marriage: number of witnesses
In the church, the number of witnesses is not limited. However, be aware that there is often room for 2 witness signatures only on the register. If you sympathize with the priest, maybe you can negotiate more signatures!
What are the requirements for a church wedding witness?
None (or almost none). There is no minimum age requirement, but witnesses should still be aware of the importance of the event and what their role means to you. You can opt for adult witnesses or teenagers for example.
Other info: your witnesses do not have to be baptized or believers.
Jewish wedding: number of witnesses
For a Jewish wedding, count 2 wedding witnesses (no more, no less).
What are the requirements for a synagogue wedding witness?
The 2 witnesses must respect 3 conditions:
- They must not be from the family of the bride and groom
- They must not be related to each other
- They should respect Shabbat and be as religious as possible.
Muslim marriage: number of witnesses
The presence of 2 witnesses is essential to validate a Muslim marriage.
What are the requirements for a witness to a marriage in a mosque?
- The 2 witnesses are men.
- In some cases, you can make the request to choose 3 witnesses (2 women and one man)
- In both cases, they must be pubescent, religious and preferably devout.
Laïque marriage: number of witnesses
The advantage of secular ceremonies is that there are no rules. You can imagine it however you want, having as many witnesses and bridesmaids as you want.
No rules, no conditions (except that of carrying the lucky ones in your heart)!

The origin of marriage witnesses
Witnesses in Antiquity
In ancient Rome, witnesses were required to legally validate a marriage. They were used to attest to the legitimacy of the marriage between the spouses.
Witnesses in the Middle Ages
During the Middle Ages, medieval Christian tradition gave witnesses a crucial role in ensuring the validity of marriage before God. Their presence confirmed that vows were being exchanged appropriately.
To add prestige to the families involved, the witnesses were often influential members of the community or family.
Witnesses of Modern Times
Since then, civil and religious laws have changed a lot. Witnesses have become a legal requirement in France as in many countries. They attest to the validity of the civil ceremony and participate in the signing of official marriage documents.
Today, witnesses are often close friends or family members, chosen for their special relationship with the bride and groom. Heart before interests!
The role of your future witnesses
Witnessing a wedding is not just about looking pretty. There is a real symbolism behind the choice of witnesses and they play an important role in your event.
They bear witness to the sincere commitment of both spouses and to the good consent of each of them.
They will be by your side:
- During the ceremony, especially during the exchange of consents and covenants
- At the end of the ceremony when they, just like you, will sign the register (whether for the town hall or the church).
- Throughout your life to support you in your commitment.
Witnesses can also recite a speech to you for each bride and groom, or both. Generally, their speeches guarantee as many tears as laughs.
It is not uncommon for them to also be involved in:
- Preparations for bachelorette parties (evjf) or bachelor parties (evg) (be sure to tell them what you don't want to do, because there can be good as well as bad surprises)!
- The preparations for your wedding (help in choosing the dress, costume or decoration, search for service providers, visits to the reception areas, sending invitations...)
- All the small actions and attentions that can help/relieve you on your big day (touch up an outfit or a hairstyle or have emergency tissues. They ensure that you spend the most beautiful of days in the best conditions).

Should we choose the same witnesses for the church and the town hall?
No, there is no obligation on that. Your witnesses can be the same at the church and at the town hall. But if you have too many contenders or candidates on your list, you can definitely choose different witnesses for these two ceremonies.
Same for Jewish or Muslim weddings, you are not required to choose the same witnesses for your civil marriage as for your religious marriage.
In this way, you will be able to please as many people as possible.
Who to choose as witnesses?
Apart from the conditions mentioned above, there are no rules: friends or family, the choice is yours. Oh yes, animals don't count (we prefer to specify it).
Between family and friends, does your heart balance? Sometimes it's hard to know who to choose as witnesses. Now that you know How many witnesses Of marriage you have to choose, all you have to do is make your choice.
Our advice: follow your instincts and what your heart tells you, so as not to regret anything. Choose the people most dear to your heart (let everyone choose their witness or witnesses so as not to cause jealousy).
How do you choose your cookies?
Of course, this decision needs to be carefully considered, but don't put pressure on yourself. Everyone can't be chosen, that's the game. If for you, this does not sound obvious, here are the 5 questions to ask yourself:
- Who is always there during the important moments in my life?
- Who gets along well with my partner?
- Who shares my values and my vision of marriage?
- Who will be a part of my life forever?
- Who will make this day even more special by being there?
Preferably choose someone:
- Relative (a parent, brother, sister, close or long-time friends)
- Trust (someone who is naturally involved, present for you, punctual and who will not make you too uncomfortable during a potential speech)!
- Who knows you well (nothing better than a person who knows you by heart to advise you during the preparations or to make you feel at ease on the big day).
- Comfortable speaking for the speech (be careful, the witness's speech is not mandatory, but admit that a speech full of emotions and anecdotes is one of the highlights of a marriage).

To help you in your final choice, nothing better than using the good old methods: a paper, a pencil, 2 columns (pros and cons) for each candidate. May the best win!
And that's it, you know How many wedding witnesses to choose for your future event: 2 witnesses minimum, and more if affinities.